Health benefit of Guava

1. Immunity-Booster

Guava is one of the sources of vitamin C? It's true. Fruits contain 4times as much vitamin C as oranges Vitamin C helps to improve immunity and protect you from chronic diseases and infections that make your eyes look better.

Health benefit of Guava

2. Reduce Cancer

Lycopene, quercetin, vitamin C, and other polyphenols can act as powerful antioxidants and interfere with free radicals in the body, thereby preventing the growth of cancer cells. Guava fruit is very effective in reducing the risk of prostate cancer and inhibiting the growth of breast cancer cells as it is rich in lycopene.

3. Diabetes-Good

Due to its rich fiber content and low glycemic index, codes inhibit sugar growth. While the low glycemic index suddenly disrupts the spike in sugar levels, the fiber content ensures those sugars are properly regulated.

4. Heart Health

Guava fruit helps regulate the sodium and potassium levels in the body, thereby controlling blood pressure in patients with hypertension. Guavas also help lower the level of triglycerides and bad cholesterol (LDL), which help develop heart disease. This magic fruit improves good cholesterol levels (HDL).

5. Handles Concentration

It is one of the richest sources of dietary fiber compared to other fruits and one-guava-satisfies about 12 percent of your daily fiber intake, which makes it very beneficial for your digestive health. Guava seeds, when swallowed whole or chewed- serve as an excellent alternative as well, contributing to the formation of healthy intestines.

6. Improves Eyes

Due to the presence of Vitamin A, the gut-is-known as a boost of visual acuity. They can not only prevent visual impairment- but also enhance vision. It can help control the return of the eyes and macular degeneration. Although guavas are not as rich in Vitamin A as carrots, they are- still an excellent source of nutrients. 

7. CoveringDuring Pregnancy

Guava also helps pregnant women as it contains folic acid, or vitamin B-9, which- is recommended for pregnant women because it can help develop the baby's arteries and protect the newborn from neurological problems.

8. Beats Toothache.

Guava leaves have strong anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that fight infections and kill germs. Thus, finishing the leaf cover serves as a secret house toothpaste. The juice of guava leaves has also been- known to treat toothache, swollen teeth, and mouth sores.

9. Busy-Buster

The magnesium contained in the fruit forms one of the many benefits of the valve, which helps to relax muscles and nerves in the body. So after working hard or a long day at the office, guava is exactly what you need to relax your muscles, fight stress, and give your sauce a good boost.

10. Good for Your Brain

It contains vitamins B3 and vitamin B6, also known as niacin and pyridoxine, help the blood and brain to- function, promoting the function-of-the brain and muscles.

11. Weight loss

Want to shed a few pounds? Guava is just a ticket. Without affecting your absorption of protein, vitamins, and fiber, guava helps you lose weight and improve your metabolism. Anything to win-win! Guava makes a satisfying meal and satisfies cravings easily. Guava, especially- raw guava, also has very little sugar compared to apples, oranges, grapes, and other fruits.

12. Coughing and Cold

Guava contains one of the highest levels of vitamin C and iron among fruits, and both have been- shown to protect against colds and bacterial infections. Green and immature guava juice or guava juice help to relieve cough and cold as it helps to clear the throat and shorten the respiratory tract, throat, and lungs.

13. Anti-Aging Buildings

It is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, and antibiotics such as carotene and lycopene-which-help prevent skin rashes. Guava on a day that keeps beautiful lines away!

14. Improves Hardness skin

Guava helps restore skin glow and burn. Harvest the benefits and prepare a DIY scrub at home: All you have to do is mix some guava meat with egg yolk and apply it to your face. Rinse after 20 minutes with warm water. When applied once or twice a week, this scrub removes dead cells from your skin and lightens your complexion. Guavas are also a great source of Vitamin K, which helps remove breakouts, dark circles, redness, and pimples.

15. Improves Texture

The guavas rose high in the sky, and the leaves of the guinea fowl, as well as the unripe guavas-rose. Guava helps to soothe and dry the facial muscles, so apply a decoction of leaves and fruits to your skin, and voila!

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