Best Nutrition and Shiny Hair

The three most important factors that make your hair look its size or volume, size, length, the shine or character of your hair. To supplement these three ingredients, you need to provide your body with a healthy blend and adequate nutrition that will improve your hair.

Best Nutrition and Shiny Hair

Take a look at the top three tips that can help you get healthy and shiny hair: -

1. Carrots and Spinach

Vegetables such as carrots, spinach, lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes, and broccoli are rich in compounds called Beta-Carotene, which make hair cells healthier. One hundred gm served potatoes with beta carotene is enough for one day! Beta carotene is converted to Vitamin A in the body, which leads to the blockade of natural fat or sebum, which prevents hair from looking dull or dry. A diet rich in Beta carotene prevents dry skin and keeps it naturally moisturized and healthy.

2. Milk and eggs

Hair is primarily made up of proteins, and thus it is only natural that a diet rich in protein should be included in the diet to promote hair health. Eggs and milk are the main sources of protein and are important in promoting hair growth. When your body does not have enough protein, your hair begins to fall out. Eggs and milk are also loaded with iron, which also promotes hair growth. For a variety of organic and dairy-free options, go for beans like lentils, vegetables, and legumes, which are all great protein sources.

3. Fat Fish

Fat salmon and tuna are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, which help in making your hair strong, preventing hair breakage. Lack of Omega 3 fatty acids in the diet can lead to fluctuations in hair loss and make them more vulnerable to split ends. If you are a vegetarian, you can opt for walnuts and flaxseed oil, which is also packed with this special food. Walnuts also contain Vitamin E, which is responsible for repairing hair loss. Vegan selection of the same can be tofu and soy.

Make a habit of taking these foods regularly to keep your hair healthy and shiny.

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